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Submission Information

Author Guide / Submission Information

Scope of the Journal

The Asian Journal of Business Research and Innovation (AJBRI) offers articles that offer fresh, creative solutions in every facet of management.

AJBRI provides its readers with a mix of regular and special issues to ensure current and comprehensive coverage of these constantly changing sectors. Our top goal is to publish research papers with fresh concepts and new areas of management.

Why Publish with AJBRI?

  • High Visibility: AJBRI is widely accessed by global researchers and professionals in the management field.
  • Peer-Reviewed Process: A robust and thorough review system AJBRI Template

Submission Details

Key Dates:

  • Submission Opens: Open throughout the year.
  • Initial Review Decision: Within 14–16 days after submission.
  • Final Decision and Publication: Accepted papers are published in the next available issue.

All manuscripts should follow the AJBRI formatting guidelines, including structured sections for Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality figures, graphs, and tables to support their findings.

Submission Process

  1. Prepare Your Manuscript: Ensure your manuscript complies with AJBRI’s guidelines.
  2. Online Submission: Visit our online submission portal and upload your manuscript.
  3. Review and Revision: Your paper will undergo a double-blindpeer review.

Call for Papers – Special Issues

AJBRI is pleased to announce special issues on the following themes:

  • Initial Review Acceptance: within 14 - 16 days after submission
  • IJMIT maintains High-Quality Publication Standards using cutting edge technologies and platforms.

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Join a growing community field of management innovators and contribute to the advancement of field of management.

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